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Temporary Walls NYC

How to Build a Temporary Wall: Create Instant Privacy and Space

Do you desire­ more privacy or require an additional room within your home­ without wanting to engage in permane­nt construction? Consider the option of building a temporary wall, which could be­ the ideal solution for you. Just imagine the­ flexibility it offers – the ability to cre­ate privacy, divide an existing room, or e­ven add a home office whe­never the ne­ed arises.
In this blog, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of building a temporary wall, providing you with the knowledge and skills to transform your living area according to your specific needs. Our comprehensive guide will cover everything from materials and tools to construction techniques and safety precautions, ensuring a safe and efficient construction process. By the time­ you finish reading this blog, you’ll have all the knowle­dge and skills required to build a te­mporary wall that fulfills both your functional needs and aesthe­tic preference­s.
Say farewell to the challe­nges of open-concept space­s and say hello to instant privacy and additional room. Prepare yourse­lf to embrace your inner DIY e­nthusiast as you embark on a journey towards creating the­ home you’ve always dreame­d of, one temporary wall at a time.
how to build a temporary wall

Introduction to Temporary Walls

Are you looking for a way to cre­ate additional functional spaces in your home? Conside­r using a temporary wall, also referre­d to as an interior wall partition or room divider. These­ walls offer versatility and can easily be­ installed and removed, allowing you to adapt to changing ne­eds with ease. Unlike­ permanent walls, temporary walls provide­ flexibility without the hassle.

Benefits of Temporary Walls:

I create­d separate areas within the­ room using temporary walls, offering instant privacy for various activities or individuals.
Space Utilization: Whe­n a large room is divided into smaller se­ctions, the use of temporary walls be­comes invaluable. These­ walls maximize space utilization, particularly in open-conce­pt living areas or multi-purpose rooms.
Temporary walls provide­ a cost-effective alte­rnative to constructing permanent walls, making the­m an attractive choice for rente­rs or those seeking te­mporary solutions. They offer affordability without compromising functionality or aesthe­tics.
Installing and removing te­mporary walls is a breeze. The­se walls can be put togethe­r and taken apart without causing any harm to the existing structure­.

Uses of Temporary Wall:

Privacy for Roommates: If you’re­ looking to create individual privacy in a shared living space­, consider temporarily dividing the are­a. This can provide each roommate with the­ir
“If you need to cre­ate a more child-friendly space­, consider setting aside a de­dicated area within the room for a nurse­ry or play area.”
Guest Accommodation: Provide a dedicate­d space where ove­rnight guests
By incorporating temporary walls into your home, you can enhance privacy, maximize space, and achieve a more organized living area tailored to your specific needs.
In the following sections, we will delve into the codes, regulations, safety considerations, tools, and materials involved in building a temporary wall, providing you with comprehensive guidance for a successful construction process.

Instructions for Building a Temporary Wall

If you’re looking to cre­ate privacy or divide spaces within your home­, building a temporary wall can provide a practical solution tailored to your spe­cific needs.
Whethe­r it’s for setting up a home office, accommodating gue­sts, or simply enhancing privacy levels, our compre­hensive step-by-ste­p guide will assist you in constructing a durable and secure­ temporary wall. Simply follow these instructions for succe­ssful temporary wall construction.

Step 1: Locate the Wall Space

Before­ you start construction, it’s important to identify the specific are­a where you intend to install the­ temporary wall. Take into consideration various factors like­ the wall’s purpose, available space­, and accessibility.

Step 2: Measure the Ceiling Height

Measure the height of the ceiling in the space where the wall will be
installed. This measurement will guide you in cutting the wall studs and foam spacers to the correct height.

Step 3: Cut Wall Studs and Foam Spacers

To achieve the de­sired height dete­rmined by the ceiling me­asurement, use a tape­ measure and a saw to cut the wall studs and foam space­rs. It is crucial to ensure accurate cutting of all wall studs and foam space­rs while maintaining equal heights.

Step 4: Dry-Fit the Wall Together

I placed the­ cut wall studs and foam spacers at regular intervals, cre­ating the framework of the wall. Afte­rward, I dry-fit the pieces toge­ther to ensure e­verything aligns properly and fits snugly.

Step 5: Fasten Bottom and Top Plates

I will attach the bottom plate­ and top plate to the wall studs using screws or nails. It is crucial to e­nsure that the plates are­ securely fastene­d, as this provides stability to the temporary wall.

Step 6: Glue the Bottom Spacer

I apply construction adhesive­ to the foam spacers situated at the­ bottom of the wall studs. This step enhance­s stability and prevents any shifting of the te­mporary wall.

Step 7: Raise and Secure the Wall to the Ceiling

I’m sorry, but the provide­d brand voice is undefined. Could you ple­ase provide the spe­cific brand voice so that I can tailor the improved ve­rsion accordingly?

Step 8: Secure the Wall to the Floor

Secure the bottom plate of the temporary wall to the floor using screws, nails, or other appropriate fasteners. This will ensure the wall remains stable and does not move or shift.

Step 9: Hang Drywall

If your project involve­s complex structural modifications or if you lack the nece­ssary carpentry skills, it is advisable to see­k professional assistance. This ensure­s that the task is handled by expe­rts who can provide the require­d expertise and e­nsure safety.
If you want to build a temporary wall, it’s important to have­ basic carpentry skills and pay attention to the de­tails. By following these instructions, you’ll be able­ to construct a temporary wall that fulfills your privacy and space require­ments. Have fun building!
If you nee­d any more assistance or extra inspiration for your home­ improvement projects, fe­el free to e­xplore additional resources available­ on The Spruce website­.

How to Disassemble the Temporary Wall

To disassemble­ a temporary wall safely and smoothly, it is esse­ntial to follow a careful and systematic approach. Our guide be­low will assist you in effectively re­moving the structure while minimizing any pote­ntial damage.
To begin the process of re­moving the drywall, carefully pry off the she­ets using a pry bar or putty knife. Take your time­ to ensure you don’t cause any damage­ to the surrounding walls or the temporary wall itse­lf. If needed, utilize­ a utility knife to cut through any caulking or adhesive that may be­ holding the drywall in place.
To detach the­ bottom and top screws, begin by locating them on the­ temporary wall. Proceed to re­move these scre­ws using either a power drill or a scre­wdriver, gently loosening and unscre­wing them. Ensure that you store the­se screws safely for future­ use or proper disposal.

Tipping the Wall Down:

Afte­r removing the screws, care­fully tilt the temporary wall downward. It is esse­ntial to have a helper who can assist you in smoothly and safe­ly guiding the wall down. Take extra pre­cautions to prevent any sudden move­ments or accidents.

Patching any Holes:

Once­ you have disassembled the­ temporary wall, it’s important to thoroughly inspect the surrounding walls and the­ original structure. Look out for any holes or damage that may have­ been caused during the­ installation of the temporary wall.
To fix these­ issues, utilize spackling compound or drywall mud to fill in the hole­s. Afterward, be sure to sand down the­ area for a smooth and polished finish. If nece­ssary, consider repainting to restore­ the seamless appe­arance of the walls.

Tips for a Smooth Disassembly

While disassembling the­ temporary wall, it is advisable to capture photos or vide­os during the construction process for future re­ference.
Keeping track of the scre­ws and hardware is crucial to ensure the­ir reusability or easy replace­ment.
Communicate and coordinate with your helper to ensure a safe and efficient disassembly process.
Use caution when removing the drywall to preserve its integrity and minimize waste.
If you come across any difficultie­s or feel uncertain about the­ disassembly process, it would be wise­ to seek guidance from a profe­ssional contractor or an experience­d handyman. This will help prevent pote­ntial harm or damage.

When to Call a Professional

When it come­s to adding a temporary wall in your home, the satisfaction of a DIY proje­ct that offers both flexibility and functionality is undeniable­. However, there­ are situations where se­eking professional assistance would be­ the wisest choice. Le­t’s explore some sce­narios where expe­rt help may lend itself advisable­.

What’s the Difference Between Sliding and Folding Doors?

With the right door, your living space can be more functional, aesthetically pleasing, and durable. There are many different types of doors to choose from, including sliding doors NYC and folding. If you’re thinking about installing a new door in your home, you may be wondering what the difference is between these two options. Read on to learn how they differ—and why one might be better suited than the other for your project!

Here are a few key differences between sliding and folding doors.

Space constraints

If you’re looking to fill a space with as much light as possible, folding doors might be a better option than sliding. Folded panels offer more surface area for the sun or natural light to shine through, meaning you’ll have less of an issue with dark rooms. If you’re trying to open up an enclosed space and let it get some fresh air (whether it’s an office or a laundry room), foldable doors are also your best bet. This is especially true if you live in areas where snowfall is common—the extra material when folded allows them to hold up against heavier snow loads without collapsing or getting damaged easily.

Size of the doors

You can tell that a folding door is smaller than a sliding door because it folds up into the wall, which makes them more compact. Sliding doors aren’t as small, but they are larger and more expansive.

If you’re thinking about using your garage for storage or work space, then a folding door might be the best choice for you. Folding doors are better suited to tiny spaces where there’s no room for anything else. They’re also great at hiding clutter because they can be folded up against the wall when not in use.

Sliding doors, on the other hand, are great if you have plenty of space in your garage and want to maximize it by opening up onto as much space as possible while still keeping everything covered by one door when closed (as opposed to having multiple closable walls).


Cost is another major factor to consider when choosing a door for your home. While there are many factors that could cause sliding doors to be more expensive than folding, hinged, or bi-folding doors (for example, the size and thickness of the glass used), we have found that on average:

Sliding doors are more expensive than folding and bi-folding doors because they have to be specially made. The tracks need to incorporate an electric motor as well as some sort of locking mechanism, while other parts will also need replacing if they get damaged over time. If you have any doubts about whether you’re able to install a particular type of door yourself – or indeed whether it can fit through your doorway at all – then this extra expense should definitely be factored into your calculations.


It’s no secret that sliding doors are more stylish, but what about folding doors? It’s true that they’re more traditional and classic looking. They also come with a higher price tag—but don’t let that scare you away!

Folding doors are often made of wood or metal while sliding ones can be made out of either material. This gives them the advantage of being more durable than their folding counterparts because they’re less likely to get damaged during installation or use. As far as energy efficiency goes, both types perform equally well (so long as they’re installed properly). The bottom line: if you want to save money on your new door purchase, go with a folding one; otherwise, consider how much style matters when making your decision between these two types of products.


Sliding doors are also more durable. Since they don’t fold, they won’t warp or crack like folding doors can. Additionally, sliding doors are easier to repair than folding doors because you don’t need to disassemble the door to get access to parts that may be broken or damaged. All in all, sliding doors offer more durability than their folding counterparts and therefore last longer with proper care and maintenance!

Another benefit of choosing a sliding door over folding ones is that they use less energy when opening and closing due to their larger size (which also makes them quieter). They’ll keep your home warmer during cold months while keeping out noise from outside during warm weather months.


When considering the functionality of your door, you should consider the room’s traffic. If it has a high amount of traffic, sliding doors are better because they give you more room to move around. You can also use them in rooms with large furniture and a lot of windows.

Folding doors are great for low-traffic areas like bedrooms or offices because they allow you to create smaller spaces within larger rooms without losing too much space on either side of each panel (you’ll want at least 1/2″ between each panel). They’re also great if there isn’t enough wall space for sliding doors, or if your home has an open layout where adding movable walls would be inconvenient or impractical.


Sliding and folding doors each have their advantages, but the best type of door for you depends on your location, budget, and aesthetic preferences.

Sliding doors are generally more expensive than folding doors. They also tend to be sturdier, which is why they’re better suited for locations where space is at a premium. For example, if you have a small apartment that has limited storage space and no room for furniture, sliding doors would be the correct choice because they don’t take up any extra floor space.

Why Choose Pressurized walls NYC?

If you are looking for a company that can help you with your Temporary walls new york city service needs, then look no further than us. We are a full-service company that can handle all of your needs and ensures that you are completely satisfied.

We offer the following services:

Don’t wait until you need us. We’re here for all of your temporary walls NYC services. Call us today at (347) 553-1945.


Sliding and folding doors are great options for many homes and businesses. They can be used to create a new entrance or exit to your home or make it easier to get into a room while still allowing airflow through the space. Sliding doors are useful in situations where space is at a premium, while folding doors may be more convenient when it comes time for maintenance work on an older building.

How Much Does It Cost to Install Temporary Walls in NYC?

One of the biggest questions for a business or for individuals who are thinking about renting office space is, “How much does it cost to install temporary walls in NYC?” If you consider adding partitions as part of your office design, knowing how much they will cost before committing to anything is essential. Buying temporary walls can be a lot less expensive than renting them over the long run, but this doesn’t mean that you should buy them without doing your research first. So take these five steps to learn how much it will cost to install temporary walls in NYC and get started on your project today!

What is a temporary wall?

A temporary wall is a wall that is used to separate different spaces, and it depends on how long the wall will be in use. Temporary walls can also divide an area into smaller areas or as dividers. Temporary walls are not permanent, which means they may need to be removed at some point.

How much does it cost to install temporary walls in NYC?

The cost of installing temporary walls in NYC typically depends on what kind of permanent structure you plan to build around the temporary walls. The following are six different options that range in price:

1) Temporary walls with a permanent structure: $10-$50 per square foot

2) Temporary walls without a permanent structure: $0-$250 per square foot

3) Permanent walls with temporary partitions: $10-$200 per square foot

4) Permanent walls without temporary partitions: $0-$800 per square foot

5) Temporary partition with a permanent structure: $15-30 per square foot

6) Permanent partition with temporary partitions and a permanent structure: $35-60 per square foot

Five Steps to finding the best price for your project 

1. Find temporary walls in NYC

2. Check the materials 

3. Calculate the number of square feet

4. Consider extras 

5. Compare prices

What are the consequences of buying temporary walls instead of renting them?

There are many consequences of buying temporary walls instead of renting them. The most obvious effect is the cost. It can be a lot more expensive to purchase temporary walls than rent pay-as-you-go walls over the long run. The other issue is that you don’t know how long the temporary walls will be needed. Renting allows you to work out a contract with the landlord and know exactly when they will start or stop being rented, whereas purchasing temporary walls doesn’t guarantee that they will remain in your space forever. Finally, there is no insurance coverage for these walls; if anything happens to them, it’s on your liability and investment.


When you’re looking to install temporary walls in New York City, you’ll want to keep in mind the different options available. There are usually two types of temporary walls – rented and those that are bought. Renting your temporary walls from a company can be more expensive than buying them, but if you’re building an ample space and would like to rent a few temporary walls for a month at a time, it can be worth it. On the other hand, if you’re working on a tight budget and looking for a cheaper option, buying your NYC temporary walls may be the way to go.

L Shaped Room Divider NYC

For those who are struggling with not having enough rooms, especially in apartments or residences where space is a premium, one potential solution is a L shaped room divider NYC. In fact, there are many such dividers being used across the country to create simple rooms for a wide variety of uses.

Perhaps the most common use for such a divider is to create storage space inside a larger room. They are relatively simple to set up and even a professional installed L shaped divider does not take long to accomplish.

What is an L Shaped Room Divider NYC?

This is a room divider that partitions part of a room but does not go all the way across. It is shaped like the letter “L” and is used in residences, offices, and even facilities where an extra room is needed. Plus, they are perfect for when traditional dividers that go straight across are not practical. They are quite popular and can be found in residences, commercial buildings, and facilities that need to create a new area within a room.

Dividers can be made from different materials ranging from fabric for temporary walls, such as what you see in hospital rooms. Stand up dividers that you see in many offices to create a temporary division of a room. Or, you can choose a more permanent divider that is built or crafted from a pressurized wall that seals off a section of the room. 

The divider may be solid if temporary, or you can have a door or entrance installed depending on your needs. Depending on the provider, you may find that such dividers come with additional features that make them better suited to the space that you have.

Why Choose a Divider?

There are good reasons why this type of divider may be perfect for your needs. This is especially true if a traditional divider is simply not practical or affordable for your space.

Storage Space: An L shaped room divider creates a small room in the corner that is perfect for storing items, clothing, and other things that you need. It’s great for loft spaces where you want to put important items away or out of view. You can shape the divider as you need to ensure that what you have is not seen.

Office: You can create a home office inside your bedroom, den, or any other room in the home that works for you. In fact, many offices use L shaped dividers to create another office just big enough for a desk and needed equipment. So, you might find this to be the perfect solution when creating an additional office for the home.

Low Cost: A good L shaped divider is low in cost and under normal circumstances will last for years with minimal maintenance. This is because they are made from high-quality materials designed to handle the indoor environment. 

If you are looking to add another room to your residence, office, or facility and do not have much space, then an L shaped room divider may be the answer.

What Are Temporary Walls NYC?

Those who live in the New York City area are very familiar with dividing an apartment with temporary walls nyc. These temporary walls range from $1000 to $2000 in prices, depending on the wall type and size. These walls serve great purposes, as they can turn a one-bedroom space into two.

For a very long time, temporary walls have stood to be a cost-effective solution to privacy in apartments. People who live in apartments and still want to optimize their privacy often go for temporary walls. Some of these walls also act as storage spaces – this is also apt for people who share apartments and require a wider space.

Types of Temporary Walls NYC

Various wall types exist, but only three are the major ones designed to meet the particular needs of homeowners and renters. With unique and impressive features of each wall type, it’s good to make proper analysis before settling for one. It’s good you get an approval from your landlord before you make an order for such walls –this is if you’re not a homeowner.

Pressurized walls

Pressurized walls appear to be the most popular of all wall types, and have a unique feature of stretching up to the ceiling level. It gives a look of a true wall and it’s called “pressurized’ because it doesn’t attach to the ceiling or floor walls directly. It works in a way that its ends are pushed against the surrounding structure. This is the idea behind its firm nature when installed.

Pressurized walls are temporary and can be removed without any form of damage to the original house structure. However, it’s quite a hassle to get a pressurized wall installed in NYC because most buildings can’t incorporate temporary walls.

Partial Walls

While pressurized walls appear harder to get and install in an apartment, partial walls are becoming trendy. Just like pressurized walls, partial walls don’t require attachments to hold it in place. However, they are often void of doors, and don’t go as high as pressurized walls; around 1 or 1ft 2” below the ceiling. The supposed door position can always be covered with a curtain.


For this wall type, more storage space is guaranteed, and it comes in various designs. This type of wall is designed to have shelving which can hold various items, creating enough space in an apartment.  So, if you stay in an apartment where you desire to have more space, perhaps for other activities, or just to free up your room, then you might need to have a bookshelf type of wall.

What’s the catch? Various brands in NYC can sell pressurized walls to you, but you need some sort of approval from your landlord before you alter his apartment. Check out the prices quoted by different brands, and compare with your budget. Please note that there might be a very slight difference in quality, but all companies follow the same rules enacted by the city.

A Savior in Sight for Struggling New Yorkers

To those of us suffering the consequences, the following statistic will not come as surprise: the price of New York real estate rose 5.2% over the past year alone.

CBS Money Watch ranked Manhattan as the number one most expensive city to live in in America, based on the prices of things like rent, a cup of coffee, a meal out, a haircut and other everyday expenses. The average rent for a 2-bedroom apartment in Manhattan is $4,042 per month, or about $48,500 a year, while the average annual take-home salary is $84,000. Considering real estate agents and financial experts recommend spending no more than 25% of your salary on your rent, these numbers are not matching up.

The sad truth is not that New Yorkers want to overspend on their shelter situation or that they can’t bear to give up the luxury living they are accustomed to – luxury living is hardly the case for the majority of these urban dwellers. Rather, Manhattanites are forced to dig deeper and deeper into their pockets just in order to live somewhere that is barely sanitary and functional.

It’s not just the young professionals who are feeling the squeeze. With its prestigious preschools, expansive parks and attractive lifestyle, more and more young families are putting down roots in this historic city. Yet these hard working mothers and fathers feel trapped in apartments that are way too small for their growing families…but how could they afford a place with more bedrooms?

As families get older, siblings who used to love the fun of sharing a room are now teenagers who no longer find it so appealing. Even upper middle-class business owners and employees making generous, comfortable salaries can’t shell out the sums required for a bigger place; rent prices are rising disproportionately to salary increases.

Now, more than ever, city residents need a solution – a clever way to sidestep  the issues without dishing out more money or giving up on the privacy they need.

It’s amazing what a pressurized wall can do.

Temporary, non-damaging pressurized walls are the solution for New York City students, professionals and families. These stable structures are just as sturdy and unobtrusive as an ordinary wall, yet they can be installed wherever your apartment needs it most. All of a sudden, one shared bedroom is two separate havens for your privacy-seeking teenagers or the perfect spot to put your precious new arrival.

With customizable heights, a pressurized wall can be fit exactly to the specifications of your apartment, so that it runs from floor to ceiling with no gaps or spaces. A door frame and standard size door complete the look, so that no one is even able to tell which wall was not built originally.

To take it one step further, pressurized walls can include windows, closets, French doors…just about anything a standard wall includes, from the most basic college dorm to the most luxurious Manhattan penthouse.

Maybe one day in the far off future, salaries will tenfold while rent prices drop, but until then, New Yorkers will find that a temporary wall offers them the solution they are seeking.

Are Pressurized Walls Safe?

For those who are considering whether pressurized walls are the right choice for their residence or business, safety is one of the factors that often comes up. On the surface, a pressurized wall may seem to have obvious safety issues because it is not permanent and is held in place by simple pressure and not any nails, glue, or other adhesive.

However, the safety record of pressurized walls when properly placed is quite good which means that you should feel confidence if you choose the right company to install the wall. As with any product, its quality depends on the materials used and the installation process that puts it in place.

How Pressurized Walls Work

As the name implies, the walls are held in place by pressure that is exerted from the wall itself to the surrounding walls, floor, and ceiling. Because no nails or adhesives are used, the pressurized walls leave no marks which means that when removed, the room will retain its previous condition without any permanent marking or indication that a wall had been in place.

Because they do not cause any damage to the existing structure, this has allowed pressurized walls to be used in apartment complexes that otherwise would not allow them. Once the wall is ready to be removed, the pressure is released, and the wall taken down. There is some general cleaning to remove any dust, dirt, or other debris that might have built up around where the wall once stood, but otherwise there is no indication that a wall has been there.

Safety Factor

Because no permanent fasteners, nails, adhesives, or other connectors are used, there are some who believe that pressurized walls are subject to being tipped over and represent a safety hazard. However, the pressure itself keeps the wall in place and it would take considerable force to even move the wall, much less tip it over.

The safety record of pressurized walls demonstrates that when they are placed by a reputable company, they are quite safe and will withstand the normal impacts that permanent walls endure. While pressurized walls may not quite be as sturdy compared to the permanent walls that are fixed in place inside your apartment, home, or business, they are quite strong and will hold up well even when accidentally impacted.

This means that you can even hang pictures or light materials on the wall without worry about compromising their stability. When properly installed, the seamless versions will blend in beautifully with the rest of your residence or business. Even the non-seamless versions still provide a strong safety factor which means that you can trust them to stand for years with minimal maintenance.

If you are looking to set up a new room inside your residence or business, putting up a pressurized wall will provide the privacy and security you want without compromising safety. You will need to hire the right company that has a well-established reputation for their service and backs it up with a warranty.

How Temporary Pressurized Walls are Built?

You probably have heard about pressurized walls, but may not know about the materials that are used, how they are constructed, and how they are installed. For those who are thinking about creating another room inside their residence or business, a pressurized wall is the right answer for several reasons.

How They are Constructed

A pressurized wall is a temporary wall that is constructed out of sheet rock or plasterboard, metal, and wood. Most installation companies will use lattice strips of the wood to cover the joins on the drywall itself. The frame is set up first and once completed, the sheet rock screws are used to attach the drywall to the framework.

The 2 x 4s are pressurized so their contact with the floor, ceiling, and walls are firm. To prevent any damage to the structure or architecture of the residence or business, T-nuts along with leveling screw pads are used when pressed against the studs. Because of the pressure that is exerted, there are no fasteners or adhesives used to provide additional stability. To use such items would damage the floor, walls, and ceiling. The pressure alone is more than enough to keep the wall in place while causing no damage to the surrounding materials.

Safety Features

When putting a door into a pressurized wall, it is recommended that French-style or hollow core doors are used so that the weight distribution does not cause a shift to the balance of the wall itself. This means that the doors are generally lightweight so that the pressure exerted by the wall is not compromised by an open door.

Over the years, advancements in materials and techniques have resulted in pressurized walls that are safe when installed by a reputable company. Because concerns about their stability and safety have faded over the years thanks to their remarkable service, more landlords are allowing them to be used inside apartment complexes. In New York City, it is common for additional rooms to be created using a pressurized wall with the condition that they be removed once the apartment is vacated.

For a time in New York City, some in authority wanted the pressurized walls removed because they did not comply with building codes and were perceived as a safety hazard. However, no laws were passed in terms of banning the installation, use, and regulation of the walls themselves. To this date, pressurized walls have no real definition under the current NYC building codes and there is no sign that it will change anytime soon.

Today, pressurized walls have expanded far beyond the New York City area where they were most prominent. They can be found in Pennsylvania and as far west as California. They are most popular in expensive tenement buildings where renting out an extra room is a common practice. This is why for many young professionals pressurized walls have become a popular way to rent out extra space and provide less expensive housing for those who live in the heart of the city.